Friday, 17 May 2019

Shuttle Chef Chorizo and Potato soup.

We bought ourselves a Thermos Shuttle Chef.
Slow cooking done fast and slow...... no burning on the bottom, no fuss, bugger all power used. To cook in your thermal cooker you initally bring your stew/soup/sauce etc to the boil, ensure ALL ingredients have the heat right through (normally around 20-30 minutes) turn it off, put it into the shuttle chef and leave it alone for around 8 hours!

We made this soup recipe up after looking at what ingredients we had in the fridge that we knew would taste good combined. It is a thick and delightfully comforting feed.  It took 20 minutes to prepare, 30 minutes on the stove, then at 8:00am we put it away in the thermal cooker for dinner that night. Brought the heat back up and served with crusty bread.